Cottage Shed
This is a basic backyard shed that is usually used for smaller storage solutions. The design is characterized by a flat roof sloped from front to back. Many options are available to make it fit your needs. It can be customized by moving the door and window locations. Simple, yet very study, this handy shed will provide secure storage for many years.
All our sheds come standard with free delivery in Wisconsin, 10 year service warranty, 4" x 6" treated skids, 5/8" LP flooring & diamond plate threshold, 2" x 6" rafters 16" OC, 2" x 4" floor joists 12" OC. All our sheds are built for WI snow loads.
All our sheds come standard with free delivery in Wisconsin, 10 year service warranty, 4" x 6" treated skids, 5/8" LP flooring & diamond plate threshold, 2" x 6" rafters 16" OC, 2" x 4" floor joists 12" OC. All our sheds are built for WI snow loads.

- Side vents
- Double door
- Classic black hardware
- Metal roof
- Numerous color choices for roofs, siding, doors & trim
- Siding of painted 50 year 8" Lap, vinyl, or steel
- 6', 7', 8' wall heights, optional wainscoting
- Sizes 8' x 10' to 10' x 20'
- ¾" flooring, optional insulation
- Extra single or double doors, garage or roll-up doors, windows
- Cupola, and more
- Workbench, shelving, electrical packages and more